Thursday, May 21, 2009


SMOKIN'- Last night when doing the final clean of the trailer I reflected back on the humerous things that had happened while living there. Much of the night ended up being spent on debating what to do with the vacuum cleaner. This is a necessary component when cleaning, and at a purchase price of $5 at a garage sale 3 years ago, it was certain to quit the night we needed it most. So, there is was smoking and burning up in my closet of a room. The stench it left smelled rancid of what I'm certain a burnt rat smells like...maybe Pablo was living inside. Needless to say we threw out the vacuum cleaner with the garbage. I tried to sleep with the stench, but the headache I had from the smell was not going away ...luckily my roomie is always prepared with good smelling scents from Bath & Body Works. One wallflower later and I was in slumberland.

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